Commitment to DE&I Requires ‘Tangible Proofs’ of Progress


Author: Aniela Unguresan

Founder, EDGE

During the pandemic, there was a noticeable shift in attitudes towards Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DE&I) linked to an organization’s commitment.

It was an unprecedented moment where you could sense that all the most important stakeholder groups – including existing and potential employees, customers, business partners and investors – were demanding that their organization, regardless of size or location, show commitment to the values of DE&I.

While it is true, as I have written previously, that DE&I is in danger of becoming irreversibly politicized, and that recent political conversations relating to the topic have undoubtedly had a negative impact, today I am sensing that the tide is once again shifting in our favour.

Organizations and their stakeholders are becoming more enthusiastic about demonstrating their commitment to the values and benefits that DE&I deliver. They want to see organizations who they work for, or are invested in, visibly, credibly and genuinely embrace an equitable and inclusive workplace.

This is especially true of ‘new’ talent; Gen Zs are looking for ‘tangible proofs’ of commitment, action and results and need to be assured that their potential employer is an employer where their talent will be allowed to flourish, and their contribution and skills appreciated.

In the news recently was a report from the European Union’s securities watchdog (the ESMA) that mandated that a fund that has any environmental, social or governance (ESG) related words in its name must have at least 80% of assets that meet ESG objectives in accordance with the binding elements of its stated investment strategy.

“The objective of the guidelines is to ensure that investors are protected against unsubstantiated or exaggerated sustainability claims in fund names, and to provide asset managers with clear and measurable criteria to assess their ability to use ESG or sustainability-related terms in fund names,” ESMA said in a statement.

In simple terms, it is a protection against greenwashing, and for both investors and market regulators, ESG remains an important focus. DE&I is of course an important component of the ‘S’ within ESG. Now there is a movement where, because of the increasing interest of all the stakeholders, there is an increasing need to go from self-reporting towards ‘limited assurance’ or even ‘independently verified’ claims on where a company stands on DE&I.

I think that now, more than any other time since the pandemic, is the moment for companies to restate why they are committed, what they are doing to honour their commitment, and how they can  prove that their commitment is being translated into actions that are making a meaningful difference.

This return to a DE&I mindset is being driven by the younger generation, by market regulators and by sustainability minded investors. In looking for commitment, they are also looking for organizations whose claims can be substantiated, which is where certain voluntary market-based instruments – such as EDGE Certification® – can give visible proof of credible progress. They are also the instruments that prove to be the most effective at the intersection between business and society because they bring objective measurements and standards and independent verification in areas that are not traditionally seen as very ‘special’.

My mentor and colleague Simona Scarpaleggia, CEO of Ikea Switzerland from 2010 until 2019 and independent Board Member of a number of leading publicly listed companies, sums up the current trend succinctly: ‘to demonstrate commitment you have to mean it, you have to do it, you have to measure it and then you have to talk about it!’

With the business case for DE&I long-since proven, organizations needed to provide tangible, visible proofs that they not only believe in DE&I, but that they were making progress in closing the equity gap.

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7 Solutions to Address Gender Inequality in the Workplace

Awareness events like International Women’s Day, celebrated a month ago on March 8, help shed light on the status of women’s struggle for true equality in the workplace.

Despite the evolution of women’s roles in the workplace since the United Nations began observing IWD almost fifty years ago, many women continue to navigate environments originally designed for and by men, facing systemic biases both overt and subtle. While legislation mandating equal pay represents progress, it alone is insufficient for fostering truly equitable workplaces.

There’s a critical need for the principles celebrated on IWD to be integrated and normalized throughout the year, ensuring that efforts for a truly equitable workplace aren’t confined to a single day but are a continual, evolving pursuit.

In 2024, it should go without saying that striving for gender equality inside and outside the workplace is our collective moral obligation. No one should suffer from a lack of opportunity or an inferior quality of life because of their gender.

In our experience supporting organizations through the process of tackling gender inequality in their workplaces, this is an earnestly held belief for many leaders. But the process of turning this belief into measurable action requires a holistic, data-led strategy.

For 14 years, we have empowered organizations to build DE&I policies and practices that:

  • Increase the share of female employees in leadership positions
  • Develop internal mentorship and development programs to aid women’s progression
  • Recruit, develop, retain and promote female talent
  • Measure, report on and close their gender pay gaps
  • Obtain and progress through the levels of the world’s leading Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DE&I) certification

Here are seven steps organizations can take towards addressing gender inequality in the workplace, with examples from the organizations we support.

1. Measure and report on pay equity

Pay equity is a necessary condition of a fair workplace. It is also something many organizations don’t realize they are struggling with.

Equileap’s 2024 Gender Equality Global Report found that of almost 4,000 companies, only 41 had successfully closed their gender pay gap and only 32 had achieved gender balance at all levels. Despite equal pay for equal work being a requirement in 100 countries worldwide, the gender pay gap still stands at 18% in the US and 13% in the EU.

Many people might find the existence of these inequities hard to believe – after all, 100 countries worldwide have legislation requiring equal pay for equal work, according to the World Bank. But these inequities are often created behind closed doors; during negotiations and decision-making processes for salary, bonuses, company shares, and other cash benefits.

With gender pay gap reporting becoming increasingly commonplace and stringent – including the EU’s new directive for pay transparency in 2023 – organizations that aren’t conducting regular gender pay gap assessments risk being penalized for pay inequities they didn’t know they had.

EDGE Empower® uses a proprietary framework to measure and report on the unexplained gender pay gap using a linear regression model. The EDGE Unexplained Gender Pay Gap Methodology reveals the difference in pay between men and women performing work of equivalent value that cannot be explained by factors other than gender.

We have been supporting the European Investment Fund (EIF)’s ambitions of becoming a more equitable organization since 2020 and, as part of these efforts, they have been conducting yearly gender pay gap assessments. These assessments have been instrumental in the EIF’s progression through the levels of EDGE Certification, exemplifying the impact of proactive measures in addressing gender inequality in the workplace..

“We are dedicated to conducting yearly gender pay gap assessments which cover base salaries, awards and other cash benefits using the regression analysis and under the responsibility of the HR department who also proactively communicate on the EIF’s commitment to ensure gender pay equity,” says Frédérique Schepens, Head of Human Resources at the EIF.

2. Set achievable targets

When we work with organizations to help find solutions to addressing gender inequality in their workplaces, there’s an element of education that goes into it. Often, this education is around target-setting. A common mistake that organizations make in their mission to be more equitable is being too ambitious.

Let us explain. If you were looking to improve the financial performance of your business, you wouldn’t say: “We want to be the most profitable company in our sector worldwide within 12 months” with no data to back up whether this is an achievable target.

Workplace gender equality is the same. While enthusiasm for gender equality is always appreciated, simply deciding to become a more equitable organization does little to help organizations get there. You need to understand your current situation and benchmark against competitors, then set realistic targets and develop a strategy for making them a reality.

As Janet P. Pope, North America CSR Director at Capgemini, puts it: “The process provided by EDGE allowed us to create a benchmark against our competitors and really examine where we had successes and opportunities to improve. The recommendations provided by EDGE helped us elevate conversations and create better strategies that get to the root cause of how to grow gender balance across levels. In the US, we transitioned from a broad approach to a strategic focus on actions that would accelerate impact.”

Similarly, we have been working with the International Monetary Fund since 2017. Their long-term efforts to address gender inequality have seen them progress through the levels of DE&I certification and increase the share of women in senior management from 25% to 37%. At the Executive Board level, the share of female Executive Directors has risen 11% – from 8% to 17% – since 2019.

3. Develop your female workforce

Representation at senior levels is one of the most important matters an organization should tackle to address gender inequality in the workplace. Research from McKinsey & Company shows that companies with the greatest representation of women on executive teams had a 39% greater likelihood of financial outperformance compared to companies in the bottom quartile of gender diversity.

However, recruiting a diverse workforce can seem daunting. Many organizations don’t know where to begin.

The answer is: begin with your existing workforce. Female employees often have a harder time accessing mentorship and building relationships with senior figures who can help them advance in their career. More worryingly, their efforts frequently go unrecognized.

A 2022 study from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)’s Sloan Management School found that despite women receiving higher performance ratings on average, they received 8.8% lower ratings for ‘potential’. As a result, women were 14% less likely to be promoted compared to their male colleagues.

Putting the onus on women to advocate for their own career development is therefore an insufficient strategy and does little to remove the systemic barriers restricting female talent. If men’s invitation to progress is implicit, women’s invitations must be explicit.

Several of the organizations we work with have introduced mentorship programs as part of their long-term strategy to eliminate gender equality, such as AXA IM’s Emerging Female Talent program or the Inter-American Development Bank’s Emerging Women Leaders program, which has amassed more than 280 graduates since it was introduced.

“Our EDGE Certification® has also helped us strengthen our platforms and resources for women employees to succeed,” comments Ria Jordan, former Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Advisor at Inter-American Development Bank. “The women who have taken advantage of these platforms understand that it is time to change the diversity among our leadership teams and have demonstrated a dedication towards fostering new forms of leadership and empowerment within the organization.”

4. Un-bias your processes

One of the hardest things to do for any individual or organization in recognizing and addressing gender inequality in a workplace is to take a hard look at what barriers we have unintentionally put in place.

We all exist in a world where men have historically been given more professional opportunities than women, where employees are 72.3% more likely to have a CEO named David than a CEO who is female and if someone asks you to picture a homemaker, the person in your mind’s eye is usually a woman.

We all have gender biases – including women – and when we’re placed in decision-making roles, this bias can unconsciously reinforce gender inequality.

An organization’s processes are therefore likely to have some element of gender bias. Part of being committed to gender equality is unbiasing these processes and ensuring your workforce – particularly your decision-makers – are equipped to spot and resolve the signs of bias in themselves and others.

“What we consider to be particularly important is awareness of the unconscious bias we all have, which is why we launched unconscious bias training,” says Susanne Jud, Chief People Officer at Ringier AG. To make their processes more inclusive, Ringier AG began holding workshops and establishing working groups to ensure that employees’ voices were taken seriously and to sensitize their workforce to issues of diversity.

The European Investment Fund has also been tackling unconscious bias in their recruitment processes.

As Frédérique Schepens explains: “In a bid to eliminate bias from the very start of the recruitment process, in 2021 HR drafted a short guide for recruiting managers to encourage them to see past their unconscious bias. This guidance is now systematically shared with hiring managers during the launch of each recruitment campaign. In addition, there is a clear emphasis on the need for the list of candidates to contain sufficient gender and nationality diversity in proportion to the overall list of applicants. In the case where the balance is not respected, HR may propose a re-publication with an aim of attracting a more diverse selection of candidates.”

5. Allow flexible working

Being committed to tackling workplace gender inequality means understanding that women face inequalities beyond the workplace and having policies in place that support them. Despite decades of progress on gender roles in relationships, women are still usually the primary caregivers for children and other family members and perform the majority of unpaid household labor.

Some estimates put the average amount of unpaid labor and care provided by women at more than double that of men. As a result, working mothers are 23% more likely to experience burnout than working fathers.

Flexible work allows mothers and women with other caring responsibilities greater work-life balance and frees up both time and money in their days that would’ve otherwise been spent commuting. It also creates potential for their partners to take on more household labor and caring duties and starts to redress the imbalance between male and female colleagues, allowing women the opportunity to perform better at work.

UNICEF was the first UN agency to start working with EDGE in 2018, and we have since helped them progress through the levels of DE&I certification. In late 2020, they introduced a system to capture data from exit interviews, which highlighted that many families had no access to childcare support. This prompted them to increase workplace flexibility.

Similarly, Neil Carr, President of Dow Europe, Middle East, Africa and Europe says: “Employers the world over are losing the critically valuable contributions of their female workforce, and we’re losing it to the other critical role women predominantly occupy: That of mother and of household and family caregiver. Now is the time to act because the professional workforce thrives on the contributions and diverse perspectives of women. We perform at our best when women have a seat at the table.”

6. Implement equal parental leave

Equal parental leave is important not just for the wellbeing of the child and so both parents have time to bond with their newborn, it also alleviates some of the burden placed on women as they recuperate from childbirth and creates a precedent for the equal division of household labor moving into parenthood.

A new mother’s partner taking parental leave is associated with a 34% increase in the likelihood of a woman being physically ready to return to work.

Working with EDGE has helped several global organizations pinpoint and redress inequities in their parental leave policies. As Ria Jordan, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Advisor at Inter-American Development Bank, tells us:

“One of the areas identified for development during the first EDGE certification process was the inequity in our parental leave policies. At that time, the IDB Group had separate policies for men and women (maternity and paternity leave). We recognized, then, that our policy was not gender-inclusive and that we needed to focus on both men and women equally.”

“Moreover, we saw an opportunity to create greater work-life integration for all employees with caregiving responsibilities regardless of gender. The decision to revise our parental leave policy was and continues to be a visible transformative action inside the IDB Group in support of all genders.”

Other partner organizations that are actively looking for solutions to addressing gender inequality in the workplace and encouraging fathers to take full parental leave include the European Investment Fund, the International Finance Corporation, AXA IM and Banco BHD León.

7. Consider issues outside of the workplace

Gender inequality has consequences far beyond the workplace. Similarly, resolving these inequalities can have a positive ripple effect that uplifts employees, customers and the communities connected to your business.

This is something that the Inter-American Development Bank has a clear understanding of.

“The IDB Group finances its operations by issuing bonds in the international capital markets and the financial rating agencies are those that assign us our credit ratings, which have been triple-A since 1962,” explains Ria Jordan. “Increasingly, these rating agencies are looking at social elements such as diversity as a component for our qualifications.”

Ria notes that positive rating scores can help lower borrowing costs for their clients in Latin America and the Caribbean, which have been facing one of the worst economic crises in their history. These lower borrowing costs will help these countries focus on economic recovery and ultimately support gender equality.

The IDB Group has also developed the Vision 2025 agenda supporting economic recovery in Latin America and the Caribbean. This agenda includes the “Women Growing Together In The Americas” program in partnership with Accenture, Facebook, Mastercard, NEC, Visa and Walmart, which supports women-led micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs), integrating their businesses into regional value chains and foreign trade.

Other EDGE partner organizations are considering the crossover between their female workforce’s personal and professional lives through hybrid work models, digitalization and, in the case of UNICEF, allowing staff deployed in humanitarian emergencies to rotate to family duty stations.

“Issues of gender and diversity are very much embedded into countries’ social fabrics and local cultures, and to achieve progress we have to consider local dynamics and histories carefully. While UNICEF’s top leadership is committed to gender equality and DEI in general, we need to ‘trickle down’ that commitment into daily behaviors everywhere,” comments Geeta Narayan, UNICEF’s Principal Advisor on Organizational Culture.

Tackling gender inequality can be a daunting challenge. That doesn’t mean we should let ourselves be overwhelmed by it. There are actionable, measurable and industry-proven steps your organization can take to minimize gender inequality both inside and outside of your workplace.

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Successful Organizations Who Lead in DE&I Have A New ‘Superpower’


Author: Aniela Unguresan

Founder, EDGE

I shared a platform recently with Kevin Murphy, Partner at Bain & Company and an acknowledged expert in change. In the summer of 2021, Kevin was the co-author of an article in the Harvard Business Review discussing ‘Change Power’ – which was then a new concept to enable organizations to measure, quantify and build their ability to change.

What was especially important about organizations that had ‘high’ change power, he noted at the time, was that they had ‘better financial performance, stronger culture and leadership, and more engaged and inspired employees’.

Permanent change is the only permanent thing that exists in this im-permanent world and having the power to adapt to unforeseen risks when the unthinkable happens is the trait of an organization that is sustainably successful. ‘Changeability’ was and is, Kevin says, a new ‘superpower’.

In devising its new ‘Change Power Index’, Bain looked at nine different elements that drive changeability, and categorized them into three segments: leading change; teaming for change; and organizing change. What was most important, however, was ‘to find the critical few’ elements within these segments that could have the biggest impact. This in turn led to a closer look at the underlying drivers of change power.

What was especially intriguing was the intersectionality between ‘change’ and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DE&I). DE&I correlates with all nine of the elements identified, with the strongest statistical connection to the element of ‘purpose’. When an organization can unify around shared commonalities, leaders are better able to align and advance meaningful organizational change.

In the three years since the article was published, and the ‘Change Power Index’ created, Kevin has identified an even stronger and more tangible connection to DE&I. Among the companies given the highest DE&I score by Glassdoor, change power is 80% higher than their competitors. Bain looked at companies with high change power and similarly high DE&I scores and the impact those strengths had on overall performance and results. The findings are significant.

Every 0.1-point improvement in DE&I ratings for a company (on a 5-point scale) was linked to a corresponding 13% increase in the absolute change power score on average. Previous research had found change power to be associated with a two-times improvement in EBIT margins, two-times in total shareholder return, and up to three-times in revenue growth. CEO and senior leadership ratings were also up by a quarter (25%).

“Causality,” Kevin says, “is difficult to prove, but the relationship here is hard to ignore. Doing DE&I well correlates with better change power, which in turn is linked not only to company performance but also leadership and employee engagement.”

Based on our experience of working with global organizations who are EDGE Certified, the results confirm something we have long suspected: organizations who embrace DE&I perform better than those who do not across virtually every measure. It supports their compliance with relevant legislation and reporting and gives them the competitive advantage.

EDGE has been committed to strengthening the business case for investing and continuing to invest in DE&I from the very beginning. We are now extending our partnership with Bain to work with five EDGE Certified organizations to complete the assessment for the Change Power Index and correlate the results with their DE&I performance. In doing so, we can provide them with ‘a clear, actionable view’ of the factors that determine an organization’s ability to transform itself when it counts.

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Women Need A Fairer ‘Cut’ of the Investment Slice


Author: Aniela Unguresan

Founder, EDGE

The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York recently held an exhibition focusing on ‘Women Dressing Women’ and a celebration of 70 of the most successful female fashion designers of the 20th Century. It included the likes of Jeanne Lanvin, Elsa Schiaparelli, Madeleine Vionnet and Gabrielle Chanel, along with contemporary designs by Iris van Herpen, Anifa Mvuemba, Simone Rocha and Tory Burch.

The French have the word ‘couture’ from which a ‘couturiere’ is a seamstress (or needlewoman) whereas a ‘couturier’ is the dressmaker, creator and master. It could be an indictment of the world we live in today.

Fashion designers, whether women or men, have the same skills and perform the same task but are seen as fundamentally different in the way they are described. It is the men who have, historically, been able to access the capital that has led to their names emblazoned on the fashion house door, while the women have been largely anonymous, other than in exceptional circumstances.

It’s a familiar story, and a scenario that is played out across many different sectors in which women work. The fact that women consistently fail to secure levels of funding comparable to their male peers is borne out by the facts. PitchBook’s ongoing analysis of venture capital deals highlights some sobering statistics.

Companies in the US and Europe founded solely by women accounted for a fraction of the total capital invested in venture-backed start-ups. The numbers, the report claims, have been trending upwards since 2021 and 2022 saw the creation of several women-led funds, incubators for female founders and more new companies. Any ‘positive’ news, however, needs to be tempered by volumes and values that still remain stubbornly low:

In 2023:

  • US – 7.0% of VC deals went to a female (co-) founder, and 19.3% went to female & male founded start ups
  • Europe – 5.2% of VC deals went to a female (co-) founder, and 20% went to female & male founded start-ups
  • US – 2.0% of VC capital went to a female (co-) founder, and 21.2% went to female & male founded start ups
  • Europe – 1.8% of VC capital went to a female (co-) founder and 18.5% went to female & male founded start ups

In terms of venture capital deal flow for female (co-)founded companies:

  • US – Capital invested $33.4b (compared to highest in 2021 of $61.7)
  • Europe – Capital invested €10.6b (compared to highest in 2021 of €17.2bn)
  • US – Deal volume – 3,371 (compared to highest in 2021 of 4,968)
  • Europe – Deal volume – 2,333 (compared to highest in 2021 of 3,332)

The reasons why women fail to receive their fair share of investment is a moot point, but it cannot be coincidence that women are still deeply underrepresented in the world of venture capital. According to All Raise, only 14.3% of decision-makers at US-based venture capital firms with over $25 million dollars in assets under management are women.

Levelling the playing field will not only benefit female entrepreneurs; it also benefits wider economies. BCG estimates that global GDP would rise by 3% to 6% annually if women entrepreneurs were to receive the same investment as their male counterparts. That would boost the global economy by up to $5 trillion annually.

Fixing the funding gap will require a redesign of the VC model to not only address the prevailing presence of gender bias but also to overturn the scarcity of female investors who sit on fund boards, lead deals or who ultimately write the investment cheques. And there are five trillion good reasons for doing so.

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Competitive Advantage, Commitment & Compliance


Author: Aniela Unguresan

Founder, EDGE

There is a well-known saying that what goes around, comes around. And in the 15 years since our organization was founded, that is precisely what is now happening with Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DE&I).

In the beginning, various commentators and reports from organizations such as McKinsey & Co said that investment in DE&I was important because it made business sense. A movement that was once in the social space had moved into the business space, and as an organization, we spoke about how DE&I could give you the competitive advantage.

The conversation about DE&I being a smart business decision soon moved to a conversation about commitment. With the business case now solidly engrained, organizations needed to provide tangible, visible proofs that they not only believed in DE&I, but that they were making progress in closing the equity gap.

Today, however, the topic has matured, and the benefits of DE&I to businesses and organizations are supported by the facts. But with the business case and the moral case in place, there started to be the need for the legal case and another ‘C’ – compliance.

The DE&I topic had gained such importance that it came to the attention of the regulators. Viewed positively, this attention shows the success of the relevance of DE&I in business and society, but it comes with its challenges.

In Europe, the EU started by putting in place its Pay Transparency Directive and Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), requiring organizations to disclose relevant information in agreed detail. In the US, however, the ruling by the Supreme Court of the US in relation to affirmative action left some to question whether employer DE&I programs in America could ever survive.

As the EEOC Commissioner Andrea Lucas said: ‘Poorly structured voluntary diversity programs pose both legal and practical risks for companies. Those risks existed before the Supreme Court decision. Now they may be even higher.’

The Supreme Court speaks to companies in the US about being able to pursue their DE&I goals within ‘legally permissible ways’. But what is considered ‘legally permissible’ is not clearly defined. And where the risk of litigation is too great some businesses may believe that the safer option is to do nothing at all. Not pursuing DE&I, however, will have significant drawbacks for businesses and society.

The EU has got it right and has taken a much wiser approach than the US in helping to drive the transformation. Its focus has been on putting the legal instruments around it to enable it to happen. It’s not about punishment; it’s about enablement. This is far removed from the polarizing approach being taken in the US.

When we strip it right back, however, it is all about values. Do you believe that everyone should be treated equally and fairly? If you do not, there is nothing more to be said. We can prove the financial benefits that a diverse workplace can bring; and we can force you in law. But we can’t change your heart and mind.

And there is something more troubling going on.

The concerning point is this: that DE&I is in danger of becoming irreversibly politicized. And that is a threat to any independent business or organization. For it means that the decisions you may wish to make for your organization are being restricted or manipulated by people outside of your control with a social agenda. And when political agendas start moving into economic agendas, then we have a problem.

Happily, while we still have voices such as JPMorgan’s Jamie Dimon speaking at the World Economic Forum who freely declared himself to be fully committed to DE&I as a ‘full throated, red-blooded, patriotic, unwoke capitalist CEO,’ then there is still hope.

Whether it’s for competitive advantage, the desire to evidence commitment, or the stick of compliance, DE&I will always be important.

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A Stronger Business Case for DE&I in 2024


Author: Aniela Unguresan

Founder, EDGE


With the start of any New Year, there are predictions in terms of future business trends and where global CEOs need to focus their attention for the year ahead. Despite a current negative backlash in some quarters, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DE&I) remains as important, and perhaps even more important, than ever to delivering a sustainable business.

Various recent articles support the rationale for continuing to focus on DE&I as a pillar of future success. The first, based on a report from McKinsey & Company, sets out the most compelling business case yet that companies with diverse leadership teams continue to be associated with higher financial returns.

In its first edition of McKinsey & Company’s Diversity Matters, published in 2015, the top quartile companies in terms of DE&I performance had a 15% greater likelihood of financial outperformance versus their bottom-quartile peers; in its latest edition (November 2023), that figure has risen to 39%. What is especially interesting is that this steady upward trend is evidenced across multiple industries and regions, despite differing challenges, stakeholder expectations and ambitions.

What this means, put simply, is the upside for businesses who embrace DE&I as a key pillar for future success, and those who are less diverse in their thinking and in practice are getting more and more substantial over time.

New rules for ‘executive presence’ that embrace inclusivity

A second article, published in the Harvard Business Review, considers the new rules of what is known as ‘executive presence’. The author, Sylvia Ann Hewlett, considers the unspoken expectations of how a person in an executive position should sound, look and behave above and beyond their core skills and competencies.

Sylvia Ann Hewlett says that ‘executive presence’ is learnable and starts with knowing what behaviours are most valued in your organization and industry.

The author addresses the new world of ‘executive presence’ that includes the need for leaders to be more inclusive, not simply hiring and utilizing diverse talent, but also in ensuring they feel appreciated and supported. She also promotes the importance of authenticity, a trait that was of little or no importance 10 years ago but is now ‘newly prized’. To be seen as leadership material, executives are expected to reveal who they fundamentally are, not mimic some dated model.

Of course, gravitas and confidence in one’s abilities are key; being able to communicate well at all levels is similarly essential. For the first time ever, however, what is also considered essential is the capacity to be a diverse and inclusive leader. Put another way, whereas diversity has always mattered, now it matters even more as a key ingredient of leadership.

This finding is particularly encouraging. Billie Jean King, our EDGE Certification ambassador, has always said that it’s not leaders who choose their followers but rather followers who choose their leaders. We choose our leaders based on those qualities we ourselves want to be associated with. People from typically under-represented groups have traditionally felt that they needed to fit in – to dress or act in a particular way to gain acceptance. But this seems to be changing, and the necessity to conform appears to be fading away, which brings me back to the importance of embracing DE&I as a pillar of effective leadership and business success.

There will always be a diversity of opinions expressed on this matter. The President and Chief Executive of the Society of Human Resources Management in the US warned at the end of last year that DE&I policies within US companies will come under ‘full out attack’ in 2024. He suggests that organizations are already moving away from the value and importance of inclusivity ignited by the Black Lives Matter campaign.

But we continue to believe that DE&I does matter and will continue to matter in 2024 and beyond. It does make employees happier and more engaged. And most important of all, it does make businesses more sustainably successful.

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Wherever you are in your DE&I journey, whether at the very beginning or further along, EDGE Empower helps accelerate your progress and, through EDGE Certification, visibly prove it – applying the same discipline and rigour that you would to other business-critical missions. Learn more by booking a demo today.

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Becoming Compliant in a Complex DEI Landscape

The EDGE Certified Foundation has introduced EquiNations, a traffic-light system of regulatory requirements and other indicators related to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) across the 20 countries where most of the EDGE Certified organizations are located. 

EquiNations highlights in a visual and impactful way the complexities of the DEI landscape; not a single country achieves a ‘green’ across the board and even within the European Union, there are varying levels of progress. There is clearly more work to be done. And yet there is a truth just as strong as the desire for forward movement: legislation, particularly the Equality and Diversity Law, is, in and of itself, a useful tool for DEI progress – for increased transparency and increased accountability.

Mandated DEI reporting and other DEI compliance requirements help to put DEI on the priority list for organizations. It is a topic that can no longer be ignored unless you want to be confronted with the fines associated with non-compliance as well as the negative impact on the reputational value of being the organization at the back of the crowd!

With the increasing regulatory pressure in the EU and heightened transparency regulations across the globe, DEI compliance is unavoidable. EDGE Certification®, powered by EDGE Empower®, can help your organization meet its legal obligations and demonstrate commitment to DEI to internal and external stakeholders.

With the increasing regulatory pressure in the EU, DEI compliance becomes top of mind for organizations and their leaders.”

Future-proof your organization from regulatory changes

Being EDGE Certified means effectively future-proofing your organization. It means having the support to remain compliant in a fast-changing regulatory landscape. Moreover, as EDGE Certification® is independently verified by third-party auditors, it means applying the same discipline and rigour to DEI compliance as you do to other business-critical requirements.

We know that companies have limited resources. We know that they must comply, get the job done and show progress. We also know how important it is for them to choose those instruments that allow them to fulfill all these objectives and navigate themselves through a minefield of changing regulations.

That is why we exist. EDGE Certification® is a voluntary marketplace mechanism – a critical instrument that EDGE Certified organizations can use to demonstrate both regulatory DEI compliance and their proactive commitment to DEI while credibly communicating their journey towards DEI maturity.

Leading the way for DEI compliance

EDGE Certification® is the leading global standard for DEI. This can be evidenced in many ways, not least in how it aligns with EU legislation such as mandated quotas and pay equity reporting. In fact, it was aligned with the EU directive around pay transparency – which requires organizations with a pay gap of more than 5% to conduct a joint pay assessment with workers’ representatives – even before it came into effect in April 2023.

EDGE Certification® is also already integrated into key indices and used by ESG and DEI think tanks and thought leaders across the world:

  • EDGE Certification® enables compliance with 13 of the 17 ESRS S1 indicators of the EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive
  • EDGE Certification® ensures compliance with the EU Directive on Pay Transparency
  • EDGE Certification® enables compliance with over 90% of the requirements of the Spanish Royal Decrees 6/2019, 901/2020, and 902/2020 on equal treatment and opportunities between women and men in employment and occupation
  • EDGE Certification® enables compliance with over 80% of the requirements of the UNI/PdR 125:2022 on gender equality
  • EDGE Certification® is an approved gender audit for the Equileap Gender Equality Scorecard™
  • EDGE Certified Foundation methodology powers many of the questions in the annual Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA) that forms the foundation for the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI)
  • The EDGE Unexplained Gender Pay Gap Analysis Method is a scientifically rigorous and legally compliant method for assessing pay equality in Switzerland, in accordance with the Swiss Gender Equality Act (GEA).
  • See our full list of strategic partners

We’re also honoured that Billie Jean King, tennis legend and gender equality campaigner, is an EDGE Certification® ambassador – supporting EDGE to deliver lasting change in workplace and intersectional equity.

Join over 750 large organizations in 65 countries across 41 industry sectors that have achieved EDGE Certification® at one of the three levels. Our distinguished roster of clients includes IFF, L’Oréal, Chevron Corporation, Allianz SE, Moncler S.p.A., Lavazza S.p.A, the World Bank Group, and the International Monetary Fund. Interested?

Talk to an expert

Wherever you are in your DEI journey, whether at the very beginning or further along, EDGE Empower® helps accelerate your progress, and through EDGE Certification® visibly prove it – applying the same discipline and rigour that you would to other business-critical missions. Learn more by booking an introductory meeting today.

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Does AI Perpetuate Systemic Unconscious Bias?


Author: Aniela Unguresan

Founder, EDGE

Humans are imperfect. We can strive for perfection, but doing so takes conscious effort. In the workplace, imperfections can lead to bias and discrimination, which, no matter how it manifests, is neither simple nor easy to remove and also requires conscious effort.

Some suggest that one solution is to use computers and automation to make decisions since they are unemotional and binary in their inputs and outputs—they’re blind to anything other than data. Artificial intelligence (AI) is the most recent development in this line of thinking as it offers, so the theory goes, an ability to learn and improve continuously.

But while AI can undoubtedly be applied and is relevant in certain fields, it is not necessarily best placed to make decisions regarding people, diversity, equity, and inclusion. In fact, under specific circumstances, it can cause more harm than good.

Potential for bias

Omowole isn’t suggesting the deliberate ‘designing in’ of bias during the build process but rather that unconscious and unintended bias can seep into programming. He offered two good examples of unintended consequences of this: one, at Amazon, where a system to review job resumes led to women being discriminated against for technical roles; and another involving San Francisco lawmakers who voted against the use of facial recognition as they believed it is prone to errors when used on women or people with dark skin.

James Manyika, Jake Silberg, and Brittany Presten made a similar point in a paper published on the Harvard Business Review, What Do We Do About the Biases in AI? They said that human biases are well-documented and demonstrable. They also recognized that societies are starting to wrestle with just how much these biases can make their way into AI systems.

So, from a position nearly 35 years on from when the very first AI systems began to be deployed, algorithms have in recent years become considerably more complex and sophisticated. However, the same challenge exists – AI can help identify and reduce the impact of human biases, but it can also make the problem worse by ‘baking in’ and deploying biases at scale in sensitive application areas. 

AI can help identify and reduce the impact of human biases, but it can also make the problem worse by ‘baking in’ and deploying biases at scale.

Risk of AI-enabled reproduction of existing bias

The problem of bias is very real and represents injustice against a person or a group. When it comes to AI, existing human bias can be transferred to systems because technology and software applications will only ever be as good—or as bad—as the developers behind it. This is especially so with the larger corporate developer as there may be no one in a position to offer an alternative perspective to unconscious biases that often inadvertently promote, for example, white males over others. In essence, AI systems won’t know any better and so will perpetuate any bias built into their programming.

But there is a solution. Organizations can hire diverse people to devise correct processes which are overseen by a chief diversity officer who checks software that is in development for bias, create applications and processes that remove bias, and that will bring benefits in the future. This could be part of a comprehensive DEI strategy.

But for now, we are still left with a major problem—machine learning and AI is invariably based on existing, and therefore biased, data.

Programming an AI with data based on existing trends, observations, and behaviours will undoubtedly, despite the efforts of the organization, still perpetuate bias—a case of ‘garbage in, garbage out‘.

So, to the extent that there is already bias embedded in current data—and there will be bias because organizations generally lack the diversity of voices and talent representation within data that is used—the only workaround is to seek out data sets for AI systems that are grounded on diversity and inclusion.

To reiterate the point made earlier by Omowole, we can look at the AI-based conversational Twitter chatbot, Tay, that Microsoft released in 2016. It was supposed to interact with people through tweets and direct messages. But because it was learning from Twitter, it was replying with highly offensive and racist messages within a few hours of its release, because it could only learn from anonymous public data. This wouldn’t have happened if its core knowledge and learning was based on the principles of diversity and inclusion.

The popular conversational AI ChatGPT, which continually learns from those using the tech, creates more subtle examples of discrimination and stereotyping. The New York Times journalist Emma Grillo wrote about her experiences with the chatbot. When she asked it whether she should wear a white dress to a wedding, it suggested that she check with the bride if this would be acceptable. Grillo notes that this would have been difficult given that at this particular wedding there was no bride—only two grooms!

She also found that ChatGPT’s suggestions for workwear were clouded by bias. ‘A mid-thigh dress,’ it claimed, ‘may distract the interviewer’s attention.’ In a similar experiment of my own, ChatGPT proposed that a knee-length, V-neck dress might be appropriate attire for a job interview as long as it is not ‘too revealing’ and that a blazer or cardigan could be worn to cover my shoulders.

What AI systems ‘know’ is wrong

Interested in learning more about the biases inherent within AI, I asked ChatGPT to list the top three soft skills that a woman should practice if she wants to become a senior leader in the technology sector. The chatbot suggested collaboration and innovation, but also put forward technical acumen:

‘While soft skills are essential for success in any leadership role, women in the technology sector may also need to demonstrate a strong understanding of technical concepts and processes to be effective leaders.’

How about for a man? ChatGPT responded with adaptability, communication, and collaboration.

Giving ChatGPT the benefit of the doubt, I asked it to regenerate the response three further times. The only new suggestion was strategic thinking. It appears that for a man working in tech, the AI assumes they will have mastered technical acumen without any prompting—for a woman though, it’s time to upskill (apparently).

It could be argued that ChatGPT is simply reflecting back the biases that already exist—but with AI becoming more dominant in modern society, we should surely be creating technologies to challenge these biases instead of finding new ways to preserve them?

Similar scenarios can happen with HR systems where patterns of bias and discrimination are embedded into operational data. Systems may think—and determine—that women should only ever be employed as secretaries or work in HR functions, because that is what the biased data will have them believe. The same system may consider men as destined to become highly-paid CEOs.

Fundamentally, algorithms in AI systems will only ever replicate what they ‘know’. A compromised system that considers comments from employee surveys, trends relating to promotion, race, and recruitment will only ever reinforce the status quo.

Conscious meets unconscious bias

As the DEI agenda continues to gain momentum, AI technologies are undoubtedly learning about the dangers of allowing biases to remain unchecked. Unfortunately, this isn’t enough—just as it isn’t enough for organizations to resolve the myriad issues around inequity and lack of diversity by simply ‘knowing’ that they exist. How can we expect biases to disappear without proactive strategies to tackle them? Consciousness doesn’t equal change.

For example, when asked what HR issues a woman should be aware of when joining a small engineering team, ChatGPT suggested that ‘women in male-dominated fields like engineering can sometimes face bias and stereotyping from their colleagues.’ Similar biases can affect older workers, leading to age discrimination in hiring and promotion practices.

Despite not being informed of the gender of the other team members, the bot ‘assumed’ that the rest of the team would be male. Based on historical data, you could argue that this is a logical assumption. But without challenging the inequities that have resulted in this data set, the chatbot is reinforcing them as ‘the norm’.

When I confronted ChatGPT about the assumption, it apologized. Rather than implying anything about the gender of the people being referred to, it said that it uses the pronoun ‘he’ for ‘simplicity and brevity’—an unconvincing justification for the use of uninclusive language. It went on to state: ‘It is important to be mindful of the diversity and inclusivity of all team members, regardless of gender, race, or any other factors.’

It is clear that ChatGPT is conscious that biases exist and yet by using men as the default gender, it perpetuates them. And in doing so, biases remain—in many cases—unconscious.

Opt for reliability

Of course, none of this is about denying the potential for AI systems, but they can exhibit limitations if only biased data is fed into them.

However, there are pockets of reliable data, such as data held by EDGE on EDGE Lead certified organizations that can safely and reliably be used to train AI-based diversity and inclusion solutions. This is because the organization will have been independently verified and the data it generates will be as close as it can be to being unbiased.

And while the quality of data that can be trusted is difficult to find outside of independently verified certification systems that uphold the highest standards in diversity, equity, and inclusion, we are seeing that the pool of EDGE Lead Certified organizations is growing. This means that the pool of data that can be trusted is similarly growing and becoming more widely available.

In summary

AI systems do have a place within organizations, and they certainly have a role in running equity processes. But organizations need to be alive to biases held by software developers and also, the potential for inherent bias of the data used in processes. This will make the difference between AI reinforcing the bias in a process, or effectively ‘de-biasing’ them.

De-bias your DEI data

At EDGE Empower®, utilizing technology to harness your DEI data is a central part of our methodology. However, we understand that technology alone isn’t enough: you need proper safeguards to secure the maximum benefit to your workplace DEI performance.

To learn more about how the EDGE Empower® software solution maintains a disciplined and rigorous approach to DEI, book a demo today.

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Wherever you are in your DEI journey, whether at the very beginning or further along, EDGE Empower® helps accelerate your progress, and through EDGE Certification® visibly prove it – applying the same discipline and rigour that you would to other business-critical missions. Learn more by booking a demo, today.

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What Are the Stages of A DEI Maturity Model?​


Author: Aniela Unguresan

Founder, EDGE

In previous years, commitment was all that was required for an organization to be considered a leader in diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI). It was seen almost as an act of courage. This then shifted to measuring ‘effort’, and specifically what actions an organization was taking to drive change. Now, the focus is firmly where it should be: on impact.

These transitions from commitment to action to impact are the stages each organization must go through in measuring its DEI maturity. It doesn’t matter where you start. What matters is that you make a start in the first place and keep up the rhythm of transformation.

“There’s movement, and times have changed. Women are speaking out more, men are supporting us more than ever, and I think that’s all going to lead to positive changes. Freedom and progress can go away immediately. You always have to know it’s in a tenuous position and keep moving forward. We need every generation to be activists, and nowadays everyone’s an influencer so you never know where the inspiration is going to come from. And if progress slows down again, well that will be another challenge we have to overcome.” – Billie Jean King, EDGE Certification® ambassador

A DEI maturity model is a barometer for organizations, a framework that measures an organization’s progress in achieving equity. This could be focused on a binary view of gender or on intersectional equity, which also considers race/ethnicity, gender identity, working with a disability, LGBTQ+, nationality, and age.

When organizations make a conscious decision to progress their DEI maturity, some will naturally be further along their journey than others. This will be due to external factors such as industry, geography, public policies and regulations, DEI reporting requirements, and local culture.

For example, an organization operating in a country where gender pay gap reporting is mandated will be able to assemble an action plan on pay equity sooner than an organization collecting this data from scratch. For this reason, there may be nuances for global organizations – different offices and divisions may be at different stages of their DEI journey depending on where they operate.

Though starting points vary, every organization must pass through the same three stages to achieve DEI maturity: demonstrating commitment, showcasing progress, and celebrating success.

1. Demonstrating commitment

Every organization’s DEI journey should start with laying out the purpose of that journey: why is it important? What does this mean to the organization? It also starts with buy-in at the highest level. Senior leadership must be committed to the journey before it even begins.

The next step is to get the lay of the land. It is important to have an accurate view of where the journey is truly starting from, because all the progress will be measured against this baseline.

What data does the organization already have available? What data isn’t available but can easily be collected? If there is data that cannot be collected, you can always start with an anonymized employee survey: how do employees across the diversity spectrum identify themselves and what are their experiences in the workplace? Where do the opinions of different groups align and where they diverge?

At this stage, it is useful to assess whether your organization has any DEI policies or practices already in place around DEI and whether you have made any public DEI statement on the topic, for example by signing the Women’s Empowerment Principles. Also, are you ranked as part of any ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) benchmarking indices such as Equileap?

Lastly, commitment must come with transparency and accountability. Independent, third-party DEI certification will keep the organization honest and ensure the journey toward DEI maturity is rigorously measured. This will also allow the organization to communicate their progress and impact clearly and confidently – both internally and externally.

2. Showcasing progress

With a commitment firmly in place, organizations should now be taking action – working to improve DEI and demonstrating the first signs of positive impact.

To showcase visibly and credibly your DEI progress, internally and externally, a baseline must already be in place. Without third-party validation at the start of your DEI maturity journey, you cannot effectively measure how far you have progressed. However, with it in place you can move to this next stage of maturity by auditing the impact of your actions against this baseline.

3. Celebrating success

Commitment has been made; progress has been showcased. The third stage of DEI maturity happens when your organization can demonstrate success – when you have delivered on your action plan and made a significant and positive impact on your organization.

To achieve DEI maturity, you must be able to demonstrate impact with both qualitative and quantitative indicators. Without this, you cannot credibly celebrate your success. It’s not enough to tell your employee, investors, board members, customers, etc. that you have achieved workplace diversity, equity, and inclusion. Evidence is everything: you must be able to prove your success.

For this reason, independent, third-party validation is crucial. You deserve to celebrate how far your organization has come.

A word of caution: DEI maturity can, once achieved, also be lost if the positive results and impact are not sustainable over time. To maintain this level of maturity, your organization must be committed to maintaining the success they have achieved through continual measurement and analysis.

“I think we all have an obligation to continue to keep moving the needle forward, always.” – Billie Jean King, EDGE Certification® ambassador

Start your DEI maturity journey

EDGE Empower® is a comprehensive, software-based DEI solution that will guide you through your journey and support you to become eligible for EDGE Certification® at the EDGE Assess, EDGE Move or EDGE Lead, with or without EDGEplus.

Try the DEI maturity assessment tool:

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